Sustaining a Story
Thoughts on Sustaining a Story First thought: It’s such a clever/great/amazing/ fun idea for a story! Second thought: I need to write it down. Third thought: I’ll just start with…
Thoughts on Sustaining a Story First thought: It’s such a clever/great/amazing/ fun idea for a story! Second thought: I need to write it down. Third thought: I’ll just start with…
It’s January and time to take a look back at my year in books. IT’S NO SECRET THAT I 💜 BOOKS! I love to read, which is what led me…
This year has flown by. 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ It’s hard to believe it’s mid-December already. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ The last few months have been some of my busiest ever! In…
Do You Know Where Your Writing Community Is? It’s Con Season for me. A busy time. In the past few weeks, I have attended two Science Fiction Fantasy Conventions (MileHi…
For this month’s blog post, I used a random word generator to create a five-word writing prompt, which I used to write a poem. Yes, it went dark very quickly.…
Connecting the dots between characters, tension, and being bitten. Sounds like a stretch, I know. But my writing brain can’t help itself. A week ago, last Friday, our cat was…
I know a little bit about writing emotion that cuts deep. Most authors do. How can we not? When I tell people I am a writer, I get the usual…