Sharon Skinner’s Media Appearances

Sharon Skinner standing behind book display at one of her local appearances.


Most Writers Are Fans Podcast Hosted by Terry Bartley: Featured Author and Book Coach (2023)

Episode 3.1: Process


LitMatch Podcast Hosted by Abigail Perry: Featured Author and Book Coach (2022)

First Chapters: The Midnight Library (with Book Coach Sharon Skinner)


Bookable Space Season 1, Ep. 15: Featured Author Guest (2022)

Hosted by Yvonne Battle-Felton, this episode of Bookable Space features Sharon Skinner reading from Lostuns Found.




Newsbreak Article by Suzy Jacobson Cherry (2023):

Arizona Renaissance Festival 2023 Final Weekend


Author Interview on Betty Bolte’s page (2021):

Getting to know Sharon Skinner #author of #paranormal #mustread #fiction #books #kidlit


Author Accelerator Guest Blog Post (2021):

Why I Do This Work: Thoughts on Writing and Book Coaching


Mesa Tribune Article by freelance journalist Srianthi Perera (2020)

Mesa author adds ‘coach’ to extensive resume


VoyagePhoenix Interview (2018)

 Art & Life with Sharon Skinner


Geek News Network interview by Hong Le (2012)

An interview with author Sharon Skinner



 Lostuns Found: FrigidReads Review

“…an entertaining read with the plot never getting bogged down and the pacing kept at a decent speed. “


Lostuns Found: Kirkus Reviews

 “Skinner is experienced at these sorts of stories, and it shows….An engaging work that should be a solid hit with young readers.”


Mirabella and the Faded Phantom: The Nameless Zine

“It’s been a long time since I was a bookish child living in the middle of nowhere, but this all felt very right so I was with Mirabella throughout and her progress felt like my progress. That’s good writing.”



Brick Cave 10 Years 10K Celebration: Books published in 2020 (2021)


Brick Cave 10 Years 10K Celebration: Sharon Skinner & J.A. Giunta (2021)




TusCon 49 Panel Characters: The Good, the Bad and the Unlikable! (2022)


For more information and/or to interview Sharon.

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