Publisher: Brick Cave Books
Pages (Print Edition): 74
Format(s): eBook, Paperback
Genre: Poetry
ISBN-10: 1-938190-22-X
ISBN-13: 978-1-938190-22-3
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About In Case You Didn’t Hear Me The First Time:
A tremendous collection of award winning poetry and prose from Sharon Skinner. In it, she relays stories about traveling in the Indian Ocean in the Navy, tremendous heart felt poetry, and her observations about the world around her.
This book is sure to give you a tremendous read, not to mention introduce you to this amazing, award winning author. Sharon Skinner is an award-winning poet who received her B.A. in English from Ottawa University and her M.A. in Creative Writing from Prescott College.
She is currently a board member for Anthology, Inc. and the AAGP (American Association of Grant Professionals), and is a Certified Grants Professional (GPC). From 1996 to 2004 she served as the Executive Editor of Anthology magazine, a small press literary magazine published in Mesa, Arizona. Her work has appeared in a number of periodicals including Green’s Magazine, New Moon Rising, Sage Woman, El Sol, The Mesa Legend, Mosaic Minds and The Barnes and Noble Metaverse Poetry Anthology.
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