Five-Word Writing Prompt Poetry

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Background of words cut from magazines, with open blank book with an image of a magbifying glass over colorful magnetic poetry words. Text that reads: "Five-word Writing Prompt Poetry"

For this month’s blog post, I used a random word generator to create a five-word writing prompt, which I used to write a poem.

Yes, it went dark very quickly. But, hey, it’s October, so yay!

Here is the final result:




The word echoes,


against her skull.


Funny how something

that means


also represents

a place of

imprisoned isolation


Outside the window,

the village gleams.

Sunlight rebounding off

pale plastered walls and coral roofs,

set against the emerald hills

where they played as children,

fell to the ground as teens,

filled with

desire’s crimson madness,

alabaster limbs tangled

amid verdant stalks.


Her thoughts trend outward

and back…


The funeral procession.

The shadowed bier.

The black crepe pall.

Dark-green wreaths raveled with

bone-white carnations

and blood-red roses.


She’d gathered them,

the leftovers,

ripped petals from stems,

shoved them into









A requiem denied.


Against sage-colored walls,

twisted ivory sheets

bloom scarlet,

a fitting reflection.



In case you were wondering, here is the five-word writing prompt the random word generator gave me: asylum, trend, leftovers, village, funeral


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