Help Turn The Healer’s Legacy Into an Audio Book

Brick Cave Media, the publisher for The Healer’s Legacy Trilogy, has announced a Kickstarter beginning June 1, 2020 and lasting until July 15. The goal is to raise the $ to turn (at least) 3 of their fantasy books into audio books.
The Healer’s Legacy is one of those three books! Here’s how you can help make it happen:
If it’s before June 1, click the link on the campaign below and select the “Notify Me” option on the campaign page. The more people that do that the more interest it gets from Kickstarter to promote (so we are told). You are NOT committing any $ by doing so, FYI.
Then, on June 1, if you do want to help Healer’s and back the campaign, make sure you pick a #TeamSkinner reward. It’s a bit of a competition between Sharon and fellow Brick Cave Authors J.A. Giunta and Bruce Davis– the author with the most backers of their levels is the first one to get their book recorded. There are cool add ons including exclusive writing for Sharon, rewards including Sharon reading her favorite passage from The Healer’s Legacy and talking about it and, because it’s audio focused, a lot of audio book content.