AZ State Library Writer in Residence 2023

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2023 AZ State Writer in Residence @ Chandler Library: Sharon teaching a writing workshop

Writer in Residence 2023 – A Grand Start

I am a few weeks into my stint as a 2023 Arizona State Library Writer in Residence at the Chandler, AZ Library. Things are going great. I have taught a couple of writing workshops and consulted with about twenty writers.

The Writer in Residence program is grant funded by the Arizona State Library. “Writers in Residence spend time at the library during their residency composing new works and providing education for community members.” (

This is a perfect gig for me! I love writing, libraries, library workers, teaching craft, and helping writers. So, I was both honored and excited to be selected to serve the Chandler Library for the 2023 program year.



I really enjoy teaching writing craft webinars. But I get especially revved up when I teach in-person. Odd for someone who falls on the introverted side of the spectrum, I know. But sharing the knowledge that I have spent years gathering and gleaning brings me joy. Also, I am a bit of a thespian at hear, which goes back to my early years spent performing and acting. So, there’s a little theater in my blood. What can I say?



But it’s  the consulting hours, the one-on-one time I spend with budding writers, that I that I find especially fulfilling. I get to meet people who are passionate about writing, hear their stories–not just the ones they want to write but their personal stories–and why they want to/must write the stories they are inspired to write.

It’s somewhat intimate and even a bit scary at times. They offer me their trust, often pouring out confidential details of who they are or have been in the world and often who they wish to be. It’s almost, dare I say, a sacred encounter in many ways. They offer up something of themselves and ask in exchange to be listened to, heard, seen, and acknowledged.

This is the same kind of work that I do in my book coaching, and the reason being a book coach is such a perfect and natural fit for me.

It’s daring, this work of writing, of digging deep to tell meaningful stories and share them with the world. And I sometimes feel like the catcher on a trapeze platform, holding out my arms and being that steady anchor for these brave creators as they explore their ideas and feelings, navigate their inner questioning, seek and find their confidence, and discover their personal process for writing forward.

I am honored to be allowed in and trusted to support them on their journeys. It’s beautiful to behold and gratifying to be able to be a part of it.

I am incredibly fortunate to be able to do this work.


Interested in what I write? Check out my books!

For more about what I do as a Book Coach, click here.

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